Assorted Mushrooms

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Clear Quartz:

  • Cleanses + amplifies energies
  • Known to amplify the power of other crystals around it. Use Clear Quartz in combination with them
  • Used in healing + energetic work
  • High vibrational
  • Aids concentration + helps to unlock memories
  • Powerful healing
  • Relief from negativity
  • Psychic enhancement

White Howlite:

  • Relieves stress + anxiety
  • Very calming stone
  • Calms the overactive mind – assisting with meditation + Spiritual connection
  • Increases awareness in your goals + ambitions
  • Boosts motivation
  • Helps strengthen memory
  • Helps stop self-criticism
  • Releases attachments
  • Clear communication + focus
  • Balances the calcium levels in the body
  • Teaches patience
  • Restful sleep – keep under your pillow


  • Enhances intuition + focus
  • Enhances spirituality
  • Enhances meditation
  • Helps with anxiety + keeping the mind calm
  • Encourages inner peace + honesty
  • Natural stress reliever
  • Protects you from negative energy


  • Helps provide emotional healing
  • Helps create emotional balance
  • Good for anxiety + stress relief
  • Brings hope in dark times
  • Stone of transformation
  • Enhances self-love, patience + optimism
  • Is said to help nerve related disorders
  • Encourages independence

Rose Quartz

  • Stone of Universal love
  • Overcoming heartbreak or betrayal
  • Promotes self-love + self-worth
  • Encourages self-forgiveness + acceptance
  • Increases empathy
  • Expands and purifies heart energy
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Restores trust and harmony in ALL relationships
  • Helps comfort in times of grief

Tigers Eye:

  • Helps you stay centred + grounded 
  • Supports you during problems you may face - keeping you calm 
  • Resilience in stressful situations - keeping you in alignment with your beliefs no matter what
  • Stone of protection 
  • Assists in resolving problems 
  • Gives you mental clarity 


  • Motivation & confidence
  • Heightens intuition
  • Increases creativity
  • Grounding & protecting
  • Works your lower Chakras
  • Empowering


  • Removes emotional blockages
  • Supports healthy habits + releases emotional patterns
  • Extremely powerful healing
  • Supports you in addressing negative emotions you are holding on to, allowing you to come from a place of love
  • The colours are a balance of Feminine and Masculine energy 
  • Helps with addictive behaviour


  • Helps uncover unconscious belief patterns
  • Is a companion through change, imparting strength + perseverance
  • Stone of transformation
  • Stimulates your imagination
  • Calms your anxiety + an overactive mind
  • Helps to banish fears + insecurities
  • Strengthens the trust + faith you have in yourself + the Universe
  • Provides clarity + insight

Green Aventurine:

  • Bringer of opportunity + good luck
  • Helps you to release old habits + patterns
  • Encourage you in moving forward with confidence
  • Helps with personal growth
  • Can help you with a first date or even getting a promotion at work
  • Assists you in establishing exactly what makes you happy + unhappy